Synastry Astrology Chart to Check Online Birth Chart Compatibility for Free

Synastry or birth chart compatibility is an Astrological way to find a highly compatible partner for love, marriage and relationship. Here you get detailed Synastry chart reading or inclusive analysis of planetary positions in both charts or horoscopes.

Synastry or birth chart compatibility is an Astrological way to find a highly compatible partner for love, marriage and relationship. Here you get detailed Synastry chart reading or inclusive analysis of planetary positions in both charts or horoscopes.

Birth Chart Compatibility
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What is Synastry Compatibility?

Synastry is a section of astrology dedicated to accessing the compatibility of partners in relationships. This is comparative study of charts of both partners in order to find out the areas of their strengths and weaknesses. In other words, it focuses on the interaction between charts of both partners. Synastry is somewhat different from Kundli Matching for Marriage which is actually based on Vedic Astrology.

Why Birth Chart Compatibility is Necessary?

Relationships in love and marriage need to be lifelong and not short lived. For perfect assessment of mutual strengths or weakness the science and art of birth chart compatibility is the best since it assesses interaction between both charts. The Ascendant and planets Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus play crucial role in this comparison as these take into account core personality, emotions and sexual drive. The planetary aspects such as conjunction, Trine, Sextile, Square and opposition determine mutual harmony or lack of it. Interaction between houses 1st, 5th, 7th and 8th of both charts leave no crucial area of life necessary for harmonious alliance.

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