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Astrology Predictions Based on Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is the most accurate, reliable and ancient system of astrology. It’s used to make predictions on the basis of planetary positions in the horoscope, Dashas and transits.

What is Vedic astrology?

The mainstream Astrology prevalent in India is known as Vedic Astrology. It is based upon the Sidereal Zodiac and thus it is more accurate. Our ancient wise Rishis visualized the macro cosmos existing in micro form in our bodies, “Yatha Pindey tatha Brahmandey” Vedic astrology is the study of planetary influences on the subtle centres in our body corresponding to the planets.

Importnace of Vedic Astrology

The word Vedic comes from the fact that Astrology as called Jyotish in Sanskrit is one of the six Vedaangs which are the essentials for understanding the knowledge contained in Vedas viz knowledge about life and soul.

Thus the main importance of Vedic Astrology is a study of life itself as influenced by planets and Stars. Vedic astrology carries further importance due to its consideration of Precessions of the Equinoxes, Dasha (Planetary periods) system and Varga (Divisional Charts) Kundalis which lend it greater depth and accuracy

Natal Astrology

Online Kundli

With the help of Kundali, you can know your personality, future etc. instantly.

Moon Sign

Your emotional personality can be understood easily with the Moon sign.

Vedic Surya Rashi

Know in detail about your characteristics with your Surya Rashi.

Lagna Interpretation

The Lagna shows your inner-self. Know what you are in real.

Nakshatra Analysis
by Date of Birth

Get your detailed Nakshatra analysis by your date of birth instantly.

Moon Sign

If you want to know what’s your moon sign, this online tool can calculate it.

Surya Rashi

Is your Vedic Sun sign and Western Sun sign different, know now?

Vedic Lagna

This online tool calculates the accurate Lagna with the help of your birth details.

Synastry & Matching

Kundli Matching
For Marriage

Kundli matching is the best way of finding a highly compatible partner and weed out incompatible one.

Vedic Surya Rashi

Surya Rashi based relationship compatibility is a way of checking compatibility between two persons.

Moon Sign

Moon sign based compatibility is highly accurate method of checking how emotionally compatible you are you with partner.

Love Compatibility
by Date of Birth

A detailed analysis which clearly reveals the strengths and flaws of a relationship. Very helpful to settle with a most compatible person.

Lagna Compatibility

The Lagna compatibility analysis nicely suggest that how concisely your elements are compatible with your partner’s.

Siblings Compatibility

Our astrology tool can prove to be very useful to know how strong is the bond between you and your siblings.

Parent Child

Parents Child Compatibility Report is best way to know what sort of challenges you are likely to experience.

Friendship Compatibility

Will your friendship grow stronger with each passing day, or will it fade with time?